Meet Netra Unni Rajesh, a graduate school student in Bioengineering at Stanford University. Read on to see how she combines her love of science and art to create fun nail art designs!

When did you first become interested in STEM?
I first became interested in STEM when I was in middle school. We were in our science class, learning about engineering drawings and I loved the idea of designing something new. This interest grew during my time in high school and shifted towards research when I did a science fair experiment that looked at the effects of Wi-Fi radiation on cancer. I loved combining math, physics, chemistry and biology – Biomedical engineering seemed to be the best of all of these worlds!
Where did you go to school and what did you study?
I did my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada. My favorite part about studying engineering was being able to pursue internships abroad and work on really cool projects! The summer after my first year, I got to travel to Singapore and worked on designing microfluidic devices to test cancer therapies. I’ve also been able to travel to California and Boston for research internships. It was an amazing experience to explore new places and new scientific fields! I grew a lot, both personally and academically.
What is your current career and how do you use your interests in STEM on a day-to-day basis?
I graduated from my undergraduate program this year and went straight into pursuing a PhD in Bioengineering at Stanford University. I am interested in exploring cancer immunotherapies. This area looks at how we can better equip the immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells. I use my interests in STEM every day by reading papers related to my field and when I do lab work. I love reading scientific papers because they always teach me something new and open up new ways of thinking!
Aside from my work, I’m also very passionate about STEAM (STEM + Art) outreach and love sharing my passion for science to make STEAM more accessible to the public.
What do you like most about your current job? What do you find most challenging?
I love being able to answer new questions and challenges every day! Research is such a dynamic field and I love that you can generate new knowledge to drive a field forward. Although there’s always something new and exciting, I think the most challenging part is figuring out the right questions to ask. I’m still learning how to ask scientific questions that will lead us to impactful knowledge and ultimately help us design technologies to tackle diseases!
What advice would you give to young girls who are interested in pursuing STEM activities or careers?
The most important advice I could give is to take initiative and start exploring today! You’re never too young to delve into the world of STEAM. Read as much as you can and most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask questions and take risks!
Anything else our girls would be interested in knowing about you?
I am very passionate about bringing Art into STEM. I think STEAM allows us to find art in science while bringing some science into art! To this extent, during this quarantine period, I started an Instagram account where I share cool science concepts through nail art. I hope to use nail art as a platform to make STEAM more accessible to everyone, especially young girls! You can find my work on Instagram at @nacreous_nailart!

I am a strong believer that you’re never too young to delve into STEAM! Last year, I did a TEDx talk titled “Why children need science and technology”, definitely check out the talk if you’re thinking about pursuing STEAM and would like to learn more about my journey.